PC Doc Pro: The Ultimate Registry Cleaner and Optimizer
in 1921, the sedlec brothers, parisian collector and art dealers, bought the codicesi gigas. they offered it to the ethnographical museum of berlin. the gigas codex was given to the national museum of prague in the 1920s. after the communist regime of 1948, it was returned to the ethnographical museum of berlin. the museum sold it to the library of berlin university in 1961.
freeserialkeypcdocpro5 is a fully working document in pdf, text, editable and versioned, as an example of how a document pro 5 site can be easily deployed as a service. freeserialkeypcdocpro5/import.php no changes required to use this document as a starter site, import.php simply sets up the various core settings which will enable you to begin using the service.
no changes required to use this document as a starter site, upload.php simply uploads the downloaded image files into the directory. the uploader utility can also be used if a 1.9.2+ server is available.
no changes required to use this document as a starter site, licensing.php simply outputs the license agreement - the agreement can be edited via the settings in settings > transactional > website & documents.
this file serves to automatically load additional configuration details from settings.php (see below), as well as activate support for the pear extension dompdf. it is only included if the below settings are set in settings.php:
$this->settings = include "/private/settings.php"; $this->settings->load_extension("pear", "peardoc"); $this->settings->load_extension("pdf", "pagedoc"); no changes are required to use this document as a starter site, config.php simply outputs the below (which you can modify via settings.php if required - see above):